The Petersons tend to do things as a family. I could think of no better way to spend Valentine's day and the beginning of my week off than going to the snow followed by our family V-day present-a trip to Mad River Gardens after a morning of getting muddy riding with the girls (their new form of exercise). It is amazing the service you receive when you walk into an establishment with the boat mechanic! Owen picked out 3 more blueberrry plants, we took a flat of Tristar strawberries (about 75), and a bunch of onions.
The highlight of our shopping excursion was the addition of 4 fruit trees. An EZ-Pick Frost Peach which will ripen in July and is doing very well on the coast for people. The second a 3n1 Asian Pear-Hosui, 20th Century and Shinseiki. The final two will hopefully yield beautiful apples-a Liberty which is proven successful for the coast and is disease-resistant and a Braeburn which is an excellent keeper. The great part about buying from Mad River is if it grows there it will hopefully do well at our house!
We now have 10 different varieties of blueberries ranging from early to late producers to hopefully keep up with Owen's insatiable appetite for the juicy delights. Darrow, Toro, Patriot, Sparta, Southmoon, Jubilee, Bluecrop, Legacy-I am enamored with the names. Andrew and I maybe ate a pound last year, the rest were for Owen to pick and eat at his leisure.
Owen was quite the helper this week, watering all the new trees, blueberries and strawberries. All I need for him is a few worms from the garden and bubbles, simple pleasures. The worms are his "little fellas" and I have never been happier to see worms in my life! I was excited to have our own composted organic matter to use with our new trees and the red worms in our compost bin are definitely happy little fellas.
So the plan for the 20-22? A trip to the lumber yard for our potato boxes (grow up to 100 lbs in 4 square feet), wood for the chicken/duck coop, chicken wire to keep out those darn gophers and cement to keep all the critters out of coop. I am so lucky to have a "Handy Andy" and he has ensured me nothing will get in our coop. Next I need to finish weeding another section for the rest of the strawberries. Finally time to get the greenhouse ready for starts!!!!! Starting herbs (basil, dill, and cilantro), sugar snap peas, two varieties of lettuce, leeks, heirloom eggplant and broccoli. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
Sounds like things are coming along. I love the pics of Owen helping. What a wonderful way to spend the week!